Another Property Fully Leased

Looking for a Property Management Company?

property management company for multi-family unitGolden Rule Real Estate Team has you covered. We’re always looking for more properties to manage.

In fact, matching the right people with the right home is probably what we do best. The only thing we might do better is taking care of the clients we already have. We’re in the property management business for the long haul, so please let us show you what great property management looks like.

Contact us at 256-881-4522 if you’re looking for a home or an amazing new apartment for rent. Give us the details important to you and we’ll do our best to find what you’re looking for at the right price.

Or let our property managers know if you’re looking for someone to manage your investment property well. We offer tenants headache-free 24-hour service so you don’t have to worry about anything. You can rest assured your tenants are cared for and your property is well maintained.  Knowing this is the case, your headaches should decline significantly as well. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!

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